

At what speed on an A-body do you guys consider these wings necessary?

I've heard several theories. But, my first is that it works for me at any speed because it covers my parachute mount which looked like a bicycle rack - and I ahted that look.

The other theories I've heard is that you don't NEED one until 170+. I've heard theories that they start actually providing some benfit at 75+. Porsche wings kick into effect at 70. I can state that I have no idea how much it is helping my car, but I do know that it is more stable on the top end than it used to be. Is that from the wing? Don't know - all I know is it got more stable after I put the wing on.

My friend has one on the back of his '70 Nova and he says almost the exact same thing as above..

When you decide to quit, THAT is the moment when you would've succeeded..