I don't have my paint chips here but I know The TB3 blue used in '72 & '73 has a different Dupont formula number than corporate blue.

Below is my response back in Dec. 2010 to a guy in the UK who was asking about corporate colors.

"I found the color codes today and called my paint supplier to make sure they are still valid and can still be mixed. These are Dupont brand paint numbers, not Chrysler numbers. If you don’t have a Dupont supplier there, let me know what brands you have and I’ll try to get a cross-reference. I did find out these colors were reformulated a couple of times. I think the last time was in the late ’80s or early ’90s, probably due to changes to the mixing tints.
All 3 colors can be mixed in Chromabase basecoat which must be clearcoated.
All 3 colors can be mixed in ChromaOne or ChromaPremier singlestage.
The white can also be mixed in the cheaper Nason single stage.
Corporate White # is 55769
Corporate Blue # is 43009
Corporate Red # is 44236"

If anyone needs the Dupont # for TB3 let me know and I'll post it too.

2012 Rallye Redline Challenger, 1st new car!
2010 Ram 1500 4wd HEMI-hauler
2014 Dodge Dart-gas saver
4 projects and a bunch of parts cars, losing interest since buying the Challenger lol
1969 Dodge Coronet 500-'gonna fix 'er up someday!'