solid (not hollow/no zerk) ones are needed in high HP apps/more $$/must be taken apart to regrease. not needed in your app. BFH is my least fav tool but just me hammering the caps in with several well placed licks is better than pressing them in with a vise. after they'
re in move the front yoke back & forth in both planes and the rear ujoint in the one plane & it MUST be smooth. if not lay the shaft on your bench & whack both "ears" on each end several good ones with the BFH as needed then recheck for smoothness. repeat till you get smooth travel. unless you hammer swings are dead on it might be a good idea to use a brass drift so you hit the ear dead on. the ear is the metal piece on each end (2) that connects the ujoint "hole" with the rest of the main shaft body

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth