Now your theory holds some water. But you originally posted this....."My long running theory is that the latch tray bracket somehow interfered with the jig"

I should have realized what you meant, but my thoughts went straight to the "latch tray" as you said.

Your theory is the best I have heard so far,
If Lynch Road used the same "CADILLAC" machine that we did, I can see what you are getting at. But if the machines anvil pad wouldn't fit under a few Birds rad yoke, without interference from the support, then how could it fit under any. I have a pic somewhere of us using that machine from back in the day, but it might take hours up in the attic to find it.

A few Birds slipping thru without Vin stamps wouldn't get noticed by management. But enough for GG to say this is "common"?
I would think they would find another place on the car for the stamp or Juryrig something else. Of course the answer could most likely be as simple as Chrysler didn't care, just ship 'em out as fast as they can. Trust me, I heard that many times.

So maybe, just maybe you are inline for that prize money after all. up

I'll even drink the first beers at the party. beer