I'm about to restore the stratovent heater box for my 71 Charger and I'm hoping for clarification on the heater core. I managed to track down one or two posts that say to use the standard non-a/c core, but all the ones I find available online don't look right, at least in the available photos. The one in my heater box has a 1/2" and 5/8" port, while the aftermarket ones have two 5/8" ports. Likewise the pictures online seem to show much shorter inlet/outlet tubes (mine appear to be about 9" long), and the tubes in the pics don't appear to be routed correctly. Took a few pics of mine still installed in case it helps. Should have it pulled tomorrow and will post another pic of it then if needed.


71 Charger R/T 67 Barracuda 99 Ram Sport 09 Challenger R/T