Another note on this PCS NAG1 controller, it was originally designed to use in the new Gen LX ,LC platform cars for those who were building the GenIII hemis to race. They wanted the transmission to handle massive horsepower etc.
I believe the applications we are trying to use it for need more than what the original designers were thinking about initially. Once they started to see the demand for older car swaps they had to regroup.
This is purely MY interpretation based on conversations with several folks who have had some exposure to the issues around it. I believe they will develop a product that will increase in demand , particularly once word starts getting around that there is a product available to enable this swap.
I have looked HARD for this solution and it appears I must be one of the first to go down this least the first to have it posted on the most visited Mopar Forums anyway. I know I have not seen it in any of the Mopar magazines, but I don't read every one of them either. Most of those editors are stuck in the past anyway.

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