It's a good thing I have a sense of humor.

I just pulled my short block from the second machine shop after they stored it for 11 months. Don't mind the second short block in line that is rusting to my engine stand in the shop. All I needed was a balance, rods resized, and a few other small things. The shop owner informed me that he a) sold the business and is retiring b) really, really sorry (I don't deal in sorry) and c)don't worry we are going to hit it hard next week. Nice guy, but delusional.

After six months of "two weeks, your trans is third in line" the folks at Lenco finally shipped my brand new ST1200 4-speed. It disappeared at the UPS facility in Fontana, CA and has not surfaced since. If they don't find it by Friday we are going to have to make a claim. I am not doing so good on this Lenco deal but the irony is kind of humorous, no?

Lastly, to really get thing going the right direction I dropped off my last running and driving muscle car at the painter on Saturday. I might have to pump up the air in my bicycle tires if things don't turn around.

I'm a patient, cash paying customer but the Hellcat route is looking pretty good right now. If you have a running car enjoy it! My red car has no engine, black car no engine/trans, and now the silver Coronet is in body shop jail. Sans the Lenco I have everything to make each project complete. Why is it so hard to get people to work these days? How do you pay your bills without income? It baffles me to no end.
