I like the idea of a Saturday and Sunday points race, but the "double the points" thing, I have an issue with that. With only 4 races, a rain-out on one of those days and double the points instead of a make-up race will lock in the points championship for the winner of the day that they raced. They should just refund the money or credit the money for the next event.
Considering the condition of the economy, 8 points races and the traveling expenses of 4 races will increase car count, which will be low due to the economy anyway. The heck with the high-dollar gambler's race on Friday night since there are only 12 cars in it anyway. Just run a normal gambler's race on Friday night. If there is a rain-out on Saturday or Sunday, just forget the points and move on.
If I remember correctly in B.C. Classic Events (i.e. Before Charlie) that is how the weekend was formatted.