The computer programs are generally correct but far from dead on. They are IMO best as a learning aid &/or a more then likely probable outcome from changing a cam from one to another.

Take it with a grain of salt and understand that when comparing cams, what the graph reads is what will likely happen between the cams. The actual power output numbers should generally be ignored. But not shunned as hocus pokus. The program is good for what it is. An inexpensive look into probable outcomes.

Compare your cams with as much information as you can put in.
Note the torque and HP line differences. This is how you can help yourself make a better choice.

Split duration cams aid the engine in poorer flowing heads & restrictive exhaust. It helps clear out the cylinder more of the spent fuel. This aids in power production. So making use of one in a stock or highly modified ride can very well be helpful. But not mandatory for all engines.