It looks like I'm actually gonna get to race again.

I spent yesterday going through everything and today priming the oil system and changing the plugs and de winterizing the car.

It fired off like she was pissed I left her sit so long

But the real reason for this post is to get some input from you guys.

In taking the dist and the oil pump drive gear out to prime it I marked the location and orientation of everything and so I'm pretty confident that the timing is at least pretty darn close to where it should be but still wanted to set it to make sure.

This is where I ran into something I've never experienced before.

While the light strobing from the gun looked normal, it did not show the steady display of the numbers on the balancer like it should. It looked like the balancer was jumping all over the place.

Now, the light in question is a Craftsman Pro dial back light. I know I have used this light without issue before both on my car and my wifes.

The cars ignition system is an MSD 6AL, MSD billet dist (locked adv) and Firecore wires and coil.

I have read all the posts about dial back timing lights not working with MSD ign's but as this is the first time I've ever run into this I need to ask if this sounds like the timing light is the issue or does it sound like something is going on with my ign system?