
Thanks to everyone who replied to my March 4th post about my 70 440 stroker oil pressure going to 0 on occasion, As recommended by several people I installed an aftermarket oil gauge. I tapped into the alternate plug, and on the back of the block, and routed the plastic tube thru my ash tray, the gauge lays in the ash tray itself, and I can close the tray if I do not want the gauge to show. Anyway the factory gauge was the problem. the new one shows good oil pressure all the time, while the factory goes up and down whenever anytime it feels like it. Ill change out the sending unit at a later date and see if that corrects the factory gauge. I was sure relieved when I saw good oil pressure all the time. Im new to the forum and really appreciate all the helpful people out there. Thanks Again

Thanks for letting us know what the problem was.. Get rid of the plastic and put copper in there..