

I bought a one owner car once. I shook the hand of the man that bought the 64 Savoy from the Chrysler dealer in 1964 and gave him the money, he signed the car over to me. That's how the one owner deal works for anyone that doesn't understand it. When I sold it I sold it to the third owner. It seems a lot of "hobbiests" don't understand that.


The original owner was dead in my case. He left it to his niece who didn't want it so she sold it to a car dealer in their small town. I said it was more or less a one owner car. Not hard to understand. Maybe I should have said one owner until he died last year...

more or less?
thats some real fuzzy math you got going on there..
you are the 4th owner claiming to have a one owner car!
by the way you see it, i can call most of my junk one owner also! more or less..