Although I don't post often on this site I do pop in and check things out...I do have to say that although I have not bought a lot of big ticket items from 440 source (a couple pair of heads and some rocker arms). What dealing I have had with them have been very smooth and satisfactory, on the phone I found them very helpful and courteous.
It seems to me that we should give Brandon and those few like him that are trying to provide us with the parts we need to keep our hobby alive. The support and encourgement to not only keep up with what they are doing, but the foresight and willingness to make big dollar investments. Who knows how long Mother Mopar will keep supplying factory parts, or for that matter how long she will survive.
The world has changed and it's no longer 1955,
we are no longer a manufacturing giant, instead we are becoming more and more a service based society. Like it or not we will continue to have to purchase goods from other counties. So maybe some of us should take a good look around and accept that fact, or invest their own money and tool up a make an aluminum 550 Cubic Inch Big Block of their own.
To Brandon and the other's like him Thank You and Keep It Up.
