In the St.Croix Carnival as part of the UVi Mocko Jumbies troupe, we have both lost a few pounds since then:

In front of the RR and her 88:

With our neighbor Kieth after putting the engine in one of the iterations:

Just before it went South moving the boat down our driveway. Probably should have fixed the brakes on both the trailer and the Land Rover towing. Fortunately the little red 88 survived the experience.

Semi relevant as this is the boat that landed on the RR. Pictures are in better days for the boat, our honeymoon trip, three months sailing, the colour shots are in St. Georges Bermuda, we sailed there from Boston (having sailed there in a 26 footer, going there in a cruise ship seems a crime), the black and white are in Boston Harbour after our return (Boston to Bermuda, then to Halifax Nova Scotia, the Bras d'Or Lakes in Cape Breton, then Prince Edward Island, the Ils d'La Madeleine then back to Boston).

Proud member of the liberal scientific elite