The 908 is a forging number.

Trucks had the same stamping on the engine ID pad as passenger cars, except that there was also a "T" after the "G440" Later blocks used the year's last digit, those had a "T" in front of the "440", like "6T440". If they were truck blocks they will have another "T" behind the "440" somewhere, like "6T440T".

As this shortblock was put together in 1971, when the 908 rods were plentiful, it could have been just another Mopar mistake, but at least they got the right balancer for it.

If it has not been taken apart, wouldn't an HP engine have a higher lift camshaft?

My money is on it not being an HP engine.
But, as it is not the original block for the car, that has much less meaning to me.
