Correct geometry is important as we all know.
Some people don't know to check it, some will check it and live with it, others will put different rocker arms on and just go with it.
Mind you not on a mopar shaft system, but on a stud mounted rocker system, I had to go through 3 different makes to find one that gave good geometry. For the same engine, different makes and models had different lengths. What really ticked me off was when I called Comp cams and asked for a distance from roller tip to fulcrum, they asked why I wanted it. They gave me a hard time. I finally pushed them to get me a spec on the ultra gold which I had in my hand. They did, but they used a pair of calipers to give me the spec, and were off by .090" from my measurement, how is that for accuracy. When I called Harland Sharp, no problem, looked it up, two seconds later,gave me an exact spec. I bought the HS, not the best looking rocker, but it worked out great.

The geometry at least should be checked, then you can decide what to do, if you think spending the money is worth it or not. Interesting pics on B3RE's website, stuff is all over the place.

Last edited by onig; 01/27/15 05:40 PM.

69 Dart