Unbelievable is all I can say. For you guys that say there aren't any MOPARS in your area I pity you. I wish I could have taken pictures of them all but it would have been about impossible with the crowd they had last night. It was GREAT seeing people out and about during the Winter and spending money again. When I got there the rear of the line was a city block and a half, 4 wide at 4pm in the afternoon at a three day show. It was still lined up when I left at 8:30 Saturday night. We had a blast BS'ing in the line that moved along nicely. I've probably gone to this show 15 different years and never saw anything like this. Here are a few pictures with my point and shoot camera.

1970 Duster
Edelbrock headed 408
422 Indy headed small block
5.982@112.56 mph

Livin and lovin life one day at a time