How did "S" (Service Replacement) engine programs work. Were these engines built up at the engine assembly plant and stock piled? Did they rebuild an owner's engine then stamp it? Were they built to order? Are the Engine Assembly Date (EAD) pads remachined and then stamped with that info? It seems to me that most of the "S" engines have the "W" "T" and the EAD pad surface looks different than an original engine's EAD pad or is that just me? On the 3 28 EAD engine I have (photo above) the pad looks just like a lot of original pads that I have photos of with distinct machine lines running at the same angle across the pad. The engine almost seems as if it was built to go into an assembly line car but that didn't happen.

It just seems as if the "S" engines were assembly line quality problems that were pulled and then rebuilt, re-tested, then stamped and stored or shipped to parts for.......well for Service Replacements Who knows how they were built or rebuilt? To order or........
