

James beat me to the punch again

Can't go wrong at that price


Dave ..You have to get out more.
They've been sitting at Kevin's place for close to two years now.
I had all those pictures with same $200.00 on kijiji twice without any bites.

Remember Terry I took those orange beasties to the Chrysler Mississauga Warehouse Show in the Spring for you to take them back home. You had no room left in your truck after buying a few things. I could not get my friend with the Bee to even come over and look at them. After a couple of times on Kijiji, Ontario I did not get one phone call or one email about them and put them back in the parts garage in the backyard. This might be the new way to sell parts by putting pictures of the parts on none related posts or near related posts. You should of picked those panels up after I emptied the other half of your truck of parts after Moparo took the first half.