
Ya'll do know plugs aren't really expensive don't you?

I use to buy a set of plug for every weekend at the races(back in the day before good hot race ignitions where developed),I would use the last race weekends set to load and unload the car and then warm the car up and switch them before the first run so the motor wouldn't miss on the first time trial. I ended up with many,many 3 lb coffee cans full of spark plugs that had 6 to 12 runs on them and very little actual running time on them at the track Once I switched the race cars to good ignitions, doing away with the old dual point unassited stock type ignitions, I found that one set of plugs would last a long, long time. Nothing wrong in my book on resuing spark plugs that aren't worn out as long as their cleaned and gapped properly I bought a Champion Brand blaster type spark plug cleaner when my airplane spark plugs got to be $16.00 each, that motor had 12 of them and where usually good for 300 to 500 hours before being worn out enough to have to replace them. I had to remove and inspect them on every 50 hour or annual inspection. The FAA authorised A&P mechanic had to approve reusing them so I would remove them and clean and regapped them before he got there Those where dual massive gap insulated type spark plugs and part of the FAA regulated items on the airplane so they have to pass inspection to be able to reuse them Some of us have to watch what we spend on our toys, some don't I do
OP, can you post a picture of a old spark plug and one of the current ones for us to look at? If so that will help us answer your question on the heat range and spark plug conditions

Last edited by Cab_Burge; 12/15/14 01:54 AM.