Flip it. If you don't absolutely need a diesel then you don't "want" a diesel either.

We replace injector pumps, head gaskets, injectors on them for customers all the time and I don't know why people keep punishing them self with the expense and headache of diesel. The benifits only out weigh the draw back if you are doing a lot of towing of something really heavy. Even given that I would take the MPG hit and buy a V10. You can buy a whole lot of fuel with the money you save purchasing it and stock VS stock I like the way they tow better, price of oil changes, cost to replace the engine, cost of injectors, smell better... I could go on for a long time. Just flip it to a diesel nut and you can buy a nice gas burner with the profit without doing all that work

I am not causing global warming, I am just trying to hold off a impending Ice Age!