

I've always wondered....

In the LX cars the 5.7 Hemi cars can have their traction control reduced roughly 50% by turning it off on the dash.

The 6.1 Hemi SRT cars can FURTHER deactivate their traction control by pushing the button in and holding it, something like 10 seconds. It reduces traction control by roughly 95% I am told.

If this is true, is it the same for the Challengers?

What traction setting are you guys launching at in the SRT8 cars?

My buddy has gone 12.93 @ 107.75 mph in a stock 300 SRT8, he did that with traction control knocked off 50%. He knocked it off to 95% and most of his runs were in the 15s....

To completely bypass the traction control on an RT you have to hold the key (as if you are trying to start the car) until the chime (just a few seconds) while driving >10 mph (Simply hitting the ESP butting only partially deactivates it), then its good until the car is turned off. The procedure needs to be repeated with every start if you wish to keep the traction control disingaged.

I read where this makes the car peg leg since the auto's have an electronic type posi (for lack of better words), however mine left two equal black patches when I tried it.

The 6 speeds do not have to do this procedure nor the the SRT auto's. Only the Rt auto's.

I think I heard that's only good for certain year LX cars, late 2006 and up?
Is that true?

We have a 2006 R/T and it doesn't work on our car!
(Ask me how I know! )