no idea on what your items cost.
I got a dual pass rad from 4seconds flat.
my only issue is that both inlet and outlet are on the same side, and when I swapped motors, it caused me an issue. I run a metal hose to cross over. They make a triple pass that I might consider next time.

I run the monster mercedes fan in one of the threads you can find here.
only a 5.9 mag motor. Dave sells a controller for it so you can control the cheaper aftermarket fans, and it gives it variable speeds so it can be quiet when it doesn't need as much cooling.

I too am in texas, and have not had any issues with sitting in traffic or parades while running this combo.
I even laid a fan across my rad support and air cleaner and it moved enough air to keep the car cool while idling.

might be a bit more than the combo you are planning on, depending on where you source your parts.
if you get a stock fan, you can skip the controler as it only takes power to 1 wire to fire it up. has a built in relay so you still have to wire power and ground seperate, but the ms can control it via single line. but you won't have variable speed then.

there are other options, and cheaper options, but for myself, feets and a few others, this hasn't let anyone overheat, even feets TT440 was kept cool with this fan and a stock copper rad.

the aluminum dual pass, for me, just gives me extra margins when I run a/c and stuff sitting still.

oh, all crammed in a 65 coronet with the original 22 inch opening. but the rad is set up with the 26 inch dimensions. oh and no built in cooler.

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