130MPH. 3200#. 53% on the nose. 2.45 low?

Looking at the diagrams, looks like the 4 link chassis brackets are too high in the car. Don't know if the bars can be put where they need to be. Looks like the first configuration is closest, but there's no room for improvement. Top bar should be as far from the housing as possible and running maybe 15 degrees down (at least). Bottom bar also as far from the housing as possible to start. Maybe downhill a degree. If it still doesn't hit the tire, try making it level or up in the front slightly to help apply the tire. Bottom bar rarely needs to go beyond a degree or 2 up or down. Start the rear shock dead loose on extension. Keep the compression in the middle. If it's not a double adjustable, just get the extension as loose as you can. Instant center should end up 40-42" out. Start there.

Yes that's short. I've run them shorter with that power level. Converter design, gear ratios, stick vs. auto, stroke, and a hundred other things influence it. Lack of horsepower/weight distribution = you have to get aggressive with it.

Last edited by CMcAllister; 10/26/14 08:19 PM.

If the results don't match the theory, change the theory.