Finally getting to the top mechanism on my '68 Dart. I want to get it all functional, then I will bring to a shop for the install. I dont want to tackle the install myself. I dont need to ruin a new top.

Seems like there is no "one place" to get all top stuff for mopars. Various sites with varying levels of products.

One of the tack strips is missing in chunks. I see listed in various places nylon replacements. But I also see a laminated cardboard material by I would imagine the cardboard is more correct (not that you see it), but does it function any better or worse than nylon?
I assume I just chisel out the old tack strip and the new on presses in?

The tension cables look ok, but would rather replace. I cant seem to find a-body cables listed anywhere. Any ideas?

While I hate to go repro, my latches are sad. I have seen the ones by Vans and others and they look fine. Y1 sells repros for a fraction of the cost of the other ones out there. Anyone try these and have feedback? The low price scares me.