Cab... there is no sales job going on here.. I believe the builder was just speaking his opinion..

I was able to get somewhere around 415 cfm flow outta of my B1 Originals.. and that was done on two different benches.. The B1MC flow somewhere around 450 and up... if the info I've been reading is correct, the Preds are capable of over 500 cfm...

So if the B1 Originals are max'd out in the low 400's... that means at best we're looking at 850-900 HP.. (give or take) Al's B1MC 500" motor was making close to 1100 HP (as reported by Al himself)..

The last time I checked, a titanium intake valve was real close to $1000 for the set of 8.. I would assume the exhaust set would be close... or slightly less due to being a smaller size.. Regardless, sell the B1's... add $2000-ish to it and one should be able to pick up a decent set of used heads that will make more power.. (I think thats the point my engine builder was trying to make)...

And with all that said, since my car is certified for no faster than 8.50, it wouldnt be too smart of me to pay for a monster motor.. and then be forced to spend even more money upgrading the chassis.. Si I am going to stay with the B1 O's and stainless valves..

Lastly, I'm not an engine builder and could be very easily talking out my behind.. but this is the information I've been told and just wanted to share it for other to chime in on...