
So, a few weeks ago I jetted it down to #24 and took it for a drive. Made it about a mile, and it decided it would idle, but not move without dieing

Called the wife, and had her bring some more fuel line so I could take the Fuel pressure regulator out. After that, it ran just fine for 10 miles.

So, I got home, disconnected the fuel line, and checked the fuel pressure while it idled with the fuel left in the bowls. I was only getting 2.5-3PSI with a brand new pump (!?!?). Doesn't that seem low?

Only thing I can figure is my pump is putting out very little volume, and the added restriction of the FPR was causing it to starve the carb for fuel?

I checked the plugs today. Coloring looked alright on the porcelain. The color on the ground strap was all the way to the base ring. Doesn't that mean I could go one step colder?

Fuel pump having issues with too low of pressure?
Could go one step colder on my plugs?

Thanks for any thoughts,

If you ever find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.