
How would I change the main bearings one at time?

1. Loosen all main cap bolts and tap caps free. Just enough for the crank to drop slightly if in an upright position.
2. Remove one main cap
3. Use a light hammer and small BRASS drift punch to tap on the side of the upper bearing that doesn't have the positioning notch.
4. Once freed from where it has been riding use a combination of turning the crank and wiggling the bearing to spin the bearing to the bottom allowing you to remove it.
5. Inspect old bearings and exposed crank journal for major damage.
6. Replace bearing with a new one of the same diameter.

I've changed mains like this with the engine in the car. Similar to changing a rear main seal. Should be much easier on a stand.

Main point being, the more you take apart the more you are going to end up deciding to replace, and therefor spending on this "freshening up". Trying to RnR the crank without removing the pistons (removing rod caps and pushing piston to top of the bore) is more likely to end up scratching the crank on rod bolts.

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