My gut feeling , and it has developed and changed over the years , is that the HV pump is not necessary on a tight motor at all.
And with looser clearances or wear is only a band aid.
I used the pick up that came with my pan ( Stef's ) and a HV pump on my thing , but clearances are on the high end of things and I have capacity and an accusump to ensure that there is oil to be picked up.
When I primed the motor on the stand , I was fairly surprised at how much oil sits up stairs in this ........ not so much in the heads , but the valley will hold quite a bit. ( R-3 block )
Even after doing a couple things to help with drain back.
If I go down this road again , it will be a dry sump.
If I am doing a milder deal , it will be standard volume.
But for most builds I think the standard volume pump is up to the task.