Remove SOME of the ridge with CAREFULL use of a ridge reamer (if needed). Pull dont push the cutter around the bore and changing your body position often so you are evenly pulling the cutter around the bore. Keep the tool flush with the deck (a helper is nice). It does not cut the ridge ID perfectly so do not go to flush at any point as you will likely be past the ridge/into the wall at another point. Stop & check often. Prep the bores with a brush research mfgr dingleberry flex hone with a 320 grit. get some plasma moly file fit rings. As Kunkel said protect the journals with some masking tape. Get each journal at BDC. You can soap and water scrub the bores with a minimal amount of liquid & keep it out of unwanted areas with some care & soap and water is the best way to get microscopic grit out of bored/honed cyl walls which will destroy a new ring job. Read "breakin secrets" at

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth