No actual 1 wire alt exp but I prefer the old style tho many have used em & are happy. (I likely just dont like drastic changes). with your harness setup for the old style I would go with an 85 M body 78 amp stock one or the big beast with the fan behind the pulley is an option & reportedly works well but it is heavy/unsightly. for a non Mopar, Denso gets good reviews and Andy markets a bracket for it I believe. I like using the large 7.25" crank pulley to spin the alt as fast as possible and this may require a smaller water pump pulley to fit it which spins the pump faster & with an anticav you're fine there also & faster coolant speed is better plus you get a faster fan speed. Just consider this a BTT for ya

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth