Dom, Anytime you wanna come over when you get here feel free to swing by.

Dave, Ummmm no thanks I will keep the 9.5" rear I have thanks.

It has been a long time goal of mine to acquire a car like this. Almost went with a GM car a few times along the way. Reason being the Mopar cars are more money. Even thought they are all pretty much cookie cutter underneath the skin, the Mopar bodied ones are generally $10-15K more money. Had this one not come along we were probably a week away from buying a GM car. That being said glad I ended up with a Mopar.

As for my money, trust me I don't have any. Fact is I had to sell the Cuda to make this dream happen. No one here(my house) wanted to sell it but I had someone come along who wanted it bad enough to pry it out of my hands. He got an awesome race winning car. I got a more than fair price for it and can now chase TS points someday. So if anyone sees the ole Cuda running in the upper Midwest or west coast one of these days say hello to the new owner. He is very happy with the car and I am know his son will enjoy it for sure. Heck they are already collecting show trophies with it, just none at the track YET!

We are a long way from being ready but we are plugging away at it. I appreciate all the kind words for sure. We will be painting it hopefully this fall. The biggest issue there is getting the old three coats off of it. Looks like soda blasting is the best option for getting it off and not destroying the carbon fiber body. It will be getting a basic paint scheme for now. But eventually once we decide on a style will likely get a more crazy/circus paint job applied. At the very least some air brushing for sure..

Oh yeah it even won a couple Iron Men along the way. Hopefully we can ad a few Wallys to that total eventually