
IMO the common shaft stuff is ok to a point. When you get into those kind of spring pressure I don't think I would go that way for sure. I have used common shaft stuff with open pressure around 850 not sure I would want to go further than that. From my experience anything above that and you will start to see issues with breakage. While I do not have any first hand experience I have seen it on a number of other combos. When you throw in the turbo think then IMO you need to go with the best possible parts and methods. The added pressure/heat on the exhaust side would want me to go wit paired shaft set up and pushrod oiling. IMO the only thing spray bars are good for is valvespring cooling and some added life there. Not to use as a primary method of oiling a pushrod cup.

Myself.. I would never use the spray bars as the
means of oiling the rockers and push rods.. to me
its too hard to get the oil in the rocker and shaft..
it would only gets what might drip in... granted the
T&D rockers use needle bearings on the shaft and dont
require much oil to keep them happy... this is just
my opinion but the spray bars work great for cooling
the springs... the T&D rockers I have, have a hole
going both directions from the shaft(the common shaft)
and the oil drips off the roller tip and down the
springs to carry heat away then the other hole oils
the push rod tips and runs down the push rod... I
dont know what kind of spring pressure he will be
running with the turbo set up but on the common shaft
system you have just the 5 bolts(3/8" grade 8) but
have a farther span between the bolts vs the 3 bolts
per pair on the short shaft system and they are right
next to the rocker..... just something to think about..
here's a pic of the short shaft style

8210295-DSC00010.JPG (186 downloads)