ok guy's here's an update, as I said I could not
find anything that looked to be the culprit, causing
the problem, so put it back in the car, went to the races
this past weekend, made 2 time trials, and 4 rds and the
transmission performed flawless, was it something I replaced
in it while it was apart, I don't think so, all I replaced was the
o-ring on the front pump, time will tell if the problem is
cured, but I feel better about it than before, now I have to fix
a pan leak I have created by being in a hurry to get things
buttoned up, but that ain't no biggie. Thanks for all the
advice we will see how it goes, and btw I still am holding
on to the points lead, gonna dig in and see if I can win this
deal again this year.
