Ok... So I lied when I said I didn't have internet access. It turns out that the Luxor likes to hide the Ethernet cable BEHIND the T.V. where you can't see it.

I remembered to bring the qualifying sheet and ladder from the track, but I left it in the car which is now buried somewhere in valet parking so I'll give you what I can off of memory.

1. CW Jr. 8.73 @ 152.47
2. CW Sr. 8.75 @ 154
3. Stephen Hebert 8.76 @ 152
4. John Rains 8.78 @ 150
5. Rick Houser 8.88 @ 145 (broke on this run)
6. Dave Raybourn 8.89 @ 149
7. Jim Pancake - saw him go 8.90 but not sure if that was his best pass
8. Mark Vieira - pretty sure he ran either a .90 or .91
9. Fred Henson 8.93 @ 148
10. Bob Mazzolini 8.97 or 8.98 @ 148
11. Ogburn 9.00 @ 148.28
12. Don Bales 9.03 @ 145
13. Peter Wille 9.03 @ 149
14. Gary Moore 9.31 @ 143
15. Jenkins 12.02 @ 74

I'm not sure if I'm completely accurate with all this as I'm doing it from memory. Specifically I'm not positive I've got the 6-7-9 cars in the right spots.

CW and Co. have been dominate. More of the same in the morning I'm sure. We get one run @ 9 a.m. that won't count for qualifying and then go into eliminations @ 11 a.m. Pacific Time.