They are fun but gas would be crazy for one now. I would run wide open then turn hard and change directions 180 degrees. It would generate lots of g force and really excite an unsuspecting passenger. I did it one day and the seat mount on the passenger seat broke on one side and dumped the person in my lap. I immediately jumped off the gas. Big mistake!!! The boat spun so hard it literally dug a hole the water and when the boat stopped we were at the bottom of the hole. Lol. The water then filled the hole and half filled my boat. The water killed the engine and the bilge pump was overwhelmed to say the least. Other boats began to come out to see if we were ok but that was just compounding the problem with them making waves and filling up my boat while I was trying to get the engine started. After shooing off the boats I took the distributor cap off and dried it out and the engine fired. We got the boat up on plane and removed the plug. It still took a while to get all the water out of it.

Getting old just means you were smarter than some and luckier than others.