I got to thinking after I posted Highway 11 being in Bristol----that it was closer to Kingsport. But, I guess when you are on a roll---you are on a roll.

In the early 60s to early 70s, there were a bunch of tracks in Tennessee. It wasn't unusual to race 50 times per year. During that time, I was in college---just keep the beer and pizza coming---we could go without sleep for days. Heck, we slept in the car when needed or pile in the back while someone else drove. The first time we ran at Indy, we slept under the trailer for five days---couldn't afford a motel room---spent all our money on the rail. But, racing was so much cheaper then---and the winnings weren't that bad---actually made money for several years.

But then that all changed when I graduated from college---went across the stage to get my diploma---then walked to the end of the stage and got my draft notice---I was gone one week later! But the car still ran while I was with "uncle". Picked up three year later. Finally got out of drag racing in 1973.

Still have fond memories of that period!