A big thanks to AJ/Casini Promotions for putting together a detailed sponsership package for potential sponsers.This package defines the levels of sponser contributations as well as what they are intitled to for their sponsership.It details what the series is about and what the attendees and partisipants can expect.This is how a event should be planned,everone knows what their getting for their bucks.Never should a promoter pass his cost to the racers,they are the show and they have paid their share with the cost of travel,entry and racing and should never be be penalized for lack of car count or rainouts as well as anything beyond their control.
With a big thanks to AJ and the BGR people who work hard to put this series together,we would like to add to the sponsership list the following business's.

Brookman Iron and Metal of Washington Pa.
Suzie B's Breakfast and Lunch of Cannonsburg,Pa.