
If the lifters get mixed up on a used cam and lifters I would just replace the lifters (as long as the cam was good) and then use the cam break in lube and oil with alot of zinc. Then just break the lifters into the new cam like breaking in any cam and of course make sure the lifters rotate. I was never a fan of using used lifters on a used cam if the lifters got mixed up. You have to remember for the lifters to rotate the cam needs to have the angle on the lobe and the lifters need to be concave on the bottom (concave going out from the lifter bottom) a bit so the lifters will be forced to want to rotate. A used lifter may not have enough concave left on it for it to want to rotate. I always worry about that on used lifters so as I said if they get mixed up I prefer to replace the lifters. Ron