

Bill, Restoration Specialties in In Windber PA?

Yes, they bought out / took over all aspects of QQE

another one you may try is

He is not just mustang stuff.
As an FYI, He supplies Frank Badalson / Roger Gibson with his hose

That Dead Nuts guy makes some incredible pieces. He's not afraid to charge for them either.

Brake Booster Hose writeup from his site

The Story Behind the Hose

After discovering Marti Autoworks and other Mustang parts supplier didn't make this hose I checked with Ed Meyer. Ed told me the Mopar guys did a poor reproduction of this hose but it was all that was available. I ordered one for my car anyway then compared it to some of my originals. The reproductions ink color was wrong, the font type was way off, the date code wasn’t smaller than the rest of the type and the printing method was modern. I then decided to reproduce the hose to my standards. After a year of work I’m finally happy with the results. The yellow ink color was custom mixed to get it just right. Each letter needed to be custom made to match originals since the font they used on the originals is not available. The date codes are a smaller size so they also had to be made one letter at time. Modern rubber hose printing equipment failed to get the right look so I custom made a hose printer and process that replicated the manufactures original process. I ended up with brake booster hose that looks Dead Nuts On to me.

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