

The Dave Duell Classic has been moved to St Louis. May 25-28. It appears to be one week behind the Mopar Action race at the same track? With Jeff Johnson's race at Columbus on the same weekend as the M/A race at St Louis. I'm looking forward to squaring off against Casey at Curt's race.

May25 to 28 is a Sunday to Wed
And Mega mopar shows their event to be May 16to 18 but GMP doesnt show it on their schedule yet .

From http://www.daveduellclassic.com/

For 2014, the Dave Duell Classic will again be run in conjunction with the NMCA race, but will be returning to Gateway, where it all began. While the location and dates have changed, the big purse, Class Runoffs and Driver’s dinner has not. This is the absolute best Nostalgia Super Stock Racing Even of the year — so make you plans NOW!
May 23-25, 2014

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol