


The whole pro comp line is a cheap Chinese rip off

x 1,000

Keep supporting these Chinese copies and put your fellow American's out of work. The next thing you know the American companies fold, the employees have no money to spend and are standing in the bread line.
If this happens to enough businesses your job could be effected and thus you.
Never know who you may meet in the bread line

It's encouraging to see that I am not alone in my disdain for off shore products.
We all say we hate a thief , yet many continue to support these thieves. The copy American designed products shamelessly.
Sue them ? Ask BMW how the X5 suit turned out. It will be heard in a Chinese court and their bias is clear.
Everything you said is absolutely true , but saving 50 or 100 bucks seems to be more important than integrity or consideration of the realities this situation creates.
The American companies and individuals who make this all possible will be the last ones to feel the bite , but one day there could possibly be no more American aftermarket to copy.
A very few of the Chinese / Asian products are well made or use quality materials and processes..........Japan being a notable exception. But they pay their workers a living wage and this cuts into their competitiveness globally.
Most of that stuff is absolute garbage.........one more reason why it is so cheap.