Some Florida race cars over the years:

* Insufficient Funds
* Black Magic
* Cruz Control (owners was Billy Cruz)
* Hog's Breath (was in the Steve Martin movie Parenthood with the Mopar Missile that was in the Garlits museum. I was an extra with my bracket Challenger.
* Pink Panther (Plymouth Duster)
* Super Wagon (early B-body big block wagon)
* Under The Gun
* Excalibur

* Loose Caboose
* Mountain Hemi
* California Flash
* Godzilla
* Demonstrator (actually on a Dart Sport)
* Cisco Kid
* M&M Express
* Red Light Bandit many more. I just can't think of them all.

There are a few cars that still use names.

Main Entry: lo·co·mo·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌlō-kə-ˈmō-shən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin locus + English motion
Date: 1646
1 : an act or the power of moving from place to place

Little Eva and Grand Funk Railroad were also an influence in the name choice.

I didn't know it until quite a few years ago, but SS/A Hemi racer Bob Reed had that name on one of his cars in the early-mid '60's!