
I just don't understand promoters who don't promote. I haven't heard a word about the event until I saw it on here. I would have loved to have gone, but already made other plans. Come on promoters...... you must have some way to let us know about your events. As a promoter aren't you aware of these forums????? Why do I put my email address on every tech card? It's got to be available to somebody....... I would think the track would share that information with someone who is promoting an event at their track. Then the promoter "hides" the event information. Like Whitdart asks what are the payouts and classes?

Yea I know if I spend the time to constantly check track websites I might see the event listed. But you are supposed to be a promoter, not just a have a race and hope racers will show up . Oh well....................

Stepping down from soapbox.

It's easy to have ideas on how to promote events, and it all comes down to the all mighty green backs. When a promoter has a bank roll of x amount, he looks at how to spend it the right way. I have found that the internet just doesn't cut it. Radio gets a lot of attention and gets the best bang for the buck. Radio = big bucks and the promoters need a few sponsors to help out. Being a promoter isn't as easy as you think. 95% of them go belly up. Don't believe me? Try it. Be a promoter.