
The valve spring budget is more than they spend on thier AH cars all year. Cagnassi says the per race budget for a top tier team is 100,000. They pay 40,000 w/ stickers. This is why it is dying out. W/O sponsors it can't be done.

That's because of Gag-nassi's ego and payroll. Hired help everywhere from the driver to the crew chief, plane tickets/car rentals all around and how many hospitality trailers???

Morgan has said repeatedly that he gets no help from Ford other than they "make the blocks and heads and let us copy the body panels." So I can't imagine Ford's pulling out of the Pro (really just F/C) classes has anything to do with it.

I for one, would LOVE to see a "budget" P/S car get out there and qualify out of a toter home and stacker trailer! I'd be his/her biggest fan..regardless of who it is!

I'd bet you could buy a P/S chassis barely used for the same as a pre-owned AH roller. Are the motor parts REALLY more expensive...especially when you're as capable at building stuff like the Wescott's are?? The dyno costs are the same no matter what air pump is on it, right?? Trans costs are probably the same. Clutches will be more expensive. You can't tell me that the valve springs costs are more in P/S car. Both engines see 10K RRM and most are all using PAC springs already...

Part for part, hour for hour on the dyno, test run to test run are equal cost I'd bet.

Now, if you want to chase the top 10 countdown and run all 23 NHRA races, that's a WHOLE nother conversation...