Thanks so much Dustin, I have been trying for a long time. Funny story, when we were at the ET Finals in Seattle last year, I had the strong feeling I was going to win. I got down to 5 cars and my starter crapped out. I got it changed in time but I was late to the lanes and had to drive around S/P. It threw me off (being late and rushed) and I had an .05 light against Robert, who went on to win.
You were there in October when my axle broke and that would have been the end of my trip to the finals! Or maybe I would have been AT the finals when it broke! So I guess it was meant to be!
Much like you spinning out in Bremerton, when you could have gone out a round earlier and been at Pacific when it happened! Funny how it works!
Anyways thanks for your support and cheering me on, and it was really great to have a vid of the final.