
That is not what I would call a good project car. They aren't very popular so anything put in it will not be salvageble as far as resale goes. If your friend want's to hotrod something I would suggest selling the Imp and getting something else.

I suppose so, but it does get tiresome seeing the same cars over and over again with varying paint and trim packages. You don't have to get crazy with it to turn it into something nice if it's already in good shape.

I think those J bodies have a curb weight of about 3600 or 3700 lbs. 360s will slide right in and all the cop car goodies from the Diplomats are direct bolt-ins (sway bars, axles, coolers, etc). Headers for F Aspens will go in without any clearance issues. Firm Feel also makes a plethora of parts for the platforms now too if you want it to really stay glued to the road.

Remy-Z has a really cool one he just put together last year if you're looking for ideas.

1987 Fifth Avenue - 512/518/D60