
It's an original n96 car. I have the harms kit and a clean donor hood, but wasn't sure it was worth the effort using that with the repro options available.

Do you guys know anyone who does the conversions in the north east? I don't want to take on that project myself or give it to someone inexperienced to do.

If you have the conversion kit and a clean hood, then it's a no brainer, if you don't want to tackle the job yourself, then the only one "close" to you would be Russ Jacobs at RJCARS in Arkport NY 6073248325...your probably better off shipping him the set up seeing your in Long Island, Russ is in the upper west end of the state

....But you have to ask yourself if it's worth it? your going to drop at least a G note to farm the job out, plus close to $500+ (NY is outrageous for shipping DAMHIK) if you have to ship it both ways....An AMD hood delivered is approx $1200, or $900 if you do a Carlisle pick up

...depending on when you bought the conversion kit, you may have spent anywhere from $300 to $800, plus the cost of the donor hood, so either keep dumping money on the conversion kit, or buy an AMD hood and sell off the kit hood project to recoup some cash?...depends on you and the level of your project