Heck ya!! My Challenger was originally Slap Stick equipped before I put in the four speed, and it was fun! ...except for one time, the first night I got the car...

I left a friend's house, showing off, put the pedal to the wood, was doing about 50 through the neighborhood, banged the slap stick up. Turned out, the mechanism (or something) was kinda worn out, and it went past second, third, and neutral, all the way into reverse.

The Dodge lurched and started sliding, kinda forward and sideways towards a Lexus parked on the side of the street. I grabbed the wheel with one hand and cranked it to the left and with the other hand pulled the slap stick back down into first and slammed on the accelerator. The Challenger came out of the slide and shot forward, probably inches away from slamming into some random person's parked car.

I swear my buddy riding with me almost soiled himself, and I couldn't believe I came so close to wrecking my Challenger the first night I had it.

I still have the shifter and all the related brackets and junk, after I find a set of buckets I think I'm going to put it into a Satellite I recently bought.