
So just how caustic? Lye/sodium hydroxide caustic or? Suggested products?

I bought the stuff I use in B.C.Canada at a company called Magnus industries, it was many years ago and came in powdered form to be mixed with water. I think they sell it in liqyuid form now. Any machine shop should be able to get some for you. It works especially well to remove paint off of plastic.

As a backup keep in mind that Polyethylene/Polypropylene plastics (which is what those two items happen to be made from) is HIGHLY resistant to most acids and chemicals. in fact most of those chemicals are sold in containers made of PP/PE. So pretty much any chemical you use will be safe on those parts.

As an aside, if you are unsure of what type of plastc parts you are working with ALWAYS test a small spot first, all plastics are NOT created equal!